Trainings for coaches on navigating the intersection between coaching and therapy
Ever worry about what to do if mental heath issues or deeper psychotherapeutic content start to arise in the course of your coaching sessions?
We will discuss how to recognize signs and symptoms of common psychological issues — how do we know if our clients may be depressed, anxious, traumatized, struggle with substance abuse, ADHD, or have anger management problems? When we suspect these might be present, do we discuss them with our clients, and if so, how do we talk about them?
How about when powerful feelings arise in a session — do we move towards them or away from them?
How do we determine when to refocus the session towards solution-oriented problem solving, and when to make space for powerful feelings or other important psychological content that is present in the field?
We’ll explore tools you can use to support deeper client experiences while staying in your coaching lane, and we’ll examine the logistics of how to make a psychotherapy referral in situations where more psychological expertise is required.
Further develop your capacity as a coach through discussions, case studies and role-plays while knowing how to respond when issues arise that feel beyond your scope.