Rivka Geoghegan, LMFT and Senior Executive Coach

I am an executive coach with over 20 years therapy experience.  My clinical background is an invaluable asset in my work with individual clients and with executive teams.  I am passionate about the intersection of coaching and therapy and have developed a specialty over the years as a speaker to other coaches about how to navigate when therapeutic issues arise in the course of coaching engagements.  I have worked with all kinds of people throughout my career and I am able to form connections with a wide variety of clients, from different cultures, backgrounds and professions.

I think the first word I would use to describe myself is real. I am honest, authentic and truly interested in you and who you are. I bring both my professional and personal self to our meetings. I can easily work with the full range of human experiences without getting fazed.  I will hold whatever has brought you to this moment with respect and genuine curiosity.

I can be casual and light or serious and introspective but I do like to bring playfulness, joy and excitement into our work when it is appropriate. I am a native New Yorker and even though I have lived  in California half my life, the New York edge and directness is still something that runs through my being.  People here on the West Coast often reflect to me that this aspect of my style is refreshing and needed!

After earning my Masters through JFK University I became licensed in the State of California in 2006 and then became certified as an executive coach through the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Coaching Program (BECI). Alongside my own private coaching practice I am a Senior Executive Coach at Vector Group Consulting.

Things that I love are my family, the ocean, a beautiful view, traveling, dancing, a great restaurant, outdoor markets, nature, learning new technologies, and I must admit...jewelry!

I look forward to working with you!