A Blend of Both Worlds

As a seasoned clinical psychotherapist and executive coach, I seamlessly integrate insights from both disciplines into my client interactions. Thus, should psychological themes emerge during our coaching sessions, I possess the expertise to identify and incorporate them into our work as necessary. This integration does not blur the lines between coaching and therapy; rather, it enables me to delve deeper into your concerns and address core issues in alignment with your coaching objectives.

My approach is characterized by a depth of understanding and proficiency, enriching your coaching experience with a comprehensive perspective. Furthermore, it affords you the flexibility to explore therapeutic avenues if deemed beneficial. Should the need arise, I can seamlessly transition into providing therapeutic sessions or assist you in finding a suitable therapist to complement our coaching journey.



An Advocate and Educator for Entrepreneur Mental Health

I am deeply passionate about advocating for Entrepreneur Mental Health. I speak at VC and start up conferences, hold closed door sessions, facilitate support groups and work one on one. Together, we cultivate authentic expression, resourcing and honing in on productive tools that can keep entrepreneurs on track and meet them in the ever changing terrain of their world.

I am struck by the multitude of challenges founders navigate.  They immerse themselves in every aspect of their business, simultaneously creating while seeking funding, managing teams, scaling operations, and transforming their vision into action.  It's an immense responsibility.  Moreover, they juggle these demands alongside their personal lives and relationships. 

“Founders epitomize resilience, determination, and perseverance.

However, it's crucial to acknowledge two important points: first, research has shown that the same traits that drive their success can also render them more susceptible to experiencing mental health issues. Second, despite their remarkable capabilities, they often feel isolated and alone in their journey which also engenders various mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.  

As an Executive Coach with a background in clinical therapy, I recognize the urgent need to destigmatize and normalize discussions around mental health. It should be perceived as a shared responsibility rather than a solitary burden. Expanding the support network available to founders is essential, both from their partners and within their own community. Mental health and self-care are often neglected or relegated to the bottom of the priority list, if considered at all.

I help my clients recognize the interconnectedness of performance, productivity, self-awareness, and well-being. As I collaborate with exceptional professionals worldwide, I remain committed to expanding the avenues of support for this community of visionary leaders. 



Rivka is an exceptional coach with an impressive background. As both an executive coach and a licensed therapist, she brings the ability to support me on multiple levels. Rivka has experience working with founders, which has been a big unlock for me. As a founder and CEO, having someone who has coached or been a therapist for people in similar roles has been a game changer.

What I love the most about her is that she employs a variety of modalities that I've found incredibly beneficial. She has taught me a lot about embodiment and understanding myself more deeply. Her coaching keeps me focused on the personal, professional, and spiritual aspects of my life, ensuring that I don't lose sight of myself while giving it my all to my company. When I face big decisions, Rivka serves as a reliable sounding board and checks in with me regularly. This has been the support I never knew I needed but appreciate the most! She has been instrumental in my growth, and I hope more people have the chance to work with her.

Yunas Reguero, Founder and CEO, Archie


Despite society's glorification of startups and the exalted status often attributed to CEOs, being a founder is incredibly difficult. The obstacles and setbacks we face are ambiguous and often burdensome. Finding someone who you can talk with to help navigate these challenges is incredibly important. For me, Rivka Geoghegan made a huge difference, as a founder coach she really helped me articulate the pressures I was experiencing and that was my first step to managing them in a healthy and productive way.

Rivka has supported me through countless rejections, uncertainty, and intense feelings of failure. When my frustrations crescendo, she reminds me of my "why" and provides tools to stay the course, stay connected and continue to make good decisions while being able to incorporate the lessons that setbacks provide. It's so helpful to have a coach who knows and understands me and helps me develop my coping, communication, and leadership skills. Her ability to appreciate layered complexity and her extensive knowledge greatly differentiate her from other coaches I've worked with.

 It's important to be honest and real about the grueling journey of entrepreneurship. It is not a fairytale; it’s a hard road with periods of real clarity and joy. Even in good times, the present doesn't reflect the arduous journey to get there. I never want to stop and get on my call with Rivka. Like yoga, I don’t want to go, but I know it’s good for me, and I’m always happy I went. Without stopping to take care of myself in this way, I would likely atrophy and lose myself completely to work, which wouldn't benefit me, my company, or my life. Even the best baseball player has a hitting coach, and founders need their coaches too.

Stefan Pastine, CEO, Thintronics